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Sabbatical Q&A

What is sabbatical?

A sabbatical is a rest or break from work. The concept of the sabbatical is based on the Biblical practice of shmita, which is related to agriculture. According to Leviticus 25, Jews in the Land of Israel must take a year-long break from working the fields every seven years.  Pastors and college faculty are encouraged to take these breaks to rest and refocus on their area of study or ministry.


Why haven’t we done this before?

Many of us have not experienced a Sabbatical in our church.  According to the Nazarene Headquarters, a Sabbatical is encouraged every 7 years.  Our past leadership did not take the breaks that they were encouraged to take.  We have gone 23+ years without our lead pastor taking a Sabbatical break.


When will the Sabbatical happen?

June 18- August 18 2023


Who is in charge?

Pastor Doug is working diligently to equip and prepare Pastor Mark to take the lead role of our church while he is away on Sabbatical.  Pastor Mark will be the main contact, just like Pastor Doug is now.  He is fully capable to handle this role while Pastor Doug is away.


Who is on the Sabbatical Team?

The Sabbatical Team is: Paul Watkins, chairman; Kathy Meter; Craig Miller and Nick Raub


Where is Pastor Doug going?

We are not going to be revealing where Pastor Doug will be during his time away.  We want to protect his privacy and to ensure that he can focus on what God wants to share with him while he is away. 


Will Pastor Doug be laying on a beach for 8 weeks?

Pastor Doug will be spending these weeks away studying, refocusing and strategizing our ministry goals for the next few years.  This is not a vacation, but a time to disconnect from the daily operations of the church and spend lots of time reconnecting with God and where God wants to take us in the coming years.


Will Pastor Doug still get paid?

Pastor Doug will still be paid his normal salary during his Sabbatical break.  Nothing will change financially for him or his family.


What are we raising money for?

We are raising a Sabbatical Love Offering for Pastor Doug and his family.  This money will go to off-set and hopefully cover all their expenses while they are on Sabbatical.  A generous donor has challenged us to raise $2,000 and the they will match up to that amount.  We are wanting to cover all the food, gas, lodging and other expenses that they will have, so they don't have to worry about anything while they are gone!


Does this help cover Pastor Doug’s salary?

Our Sabbatical Love Offering is above and beyond Pastor Doug’s salary.  It does not replace or add to his normal pay.  It is just to help cover the costs of food, housing and gas during his much-needed break.


How can I give to the Sabbatical Offering?

To give to Pastor Doug’s Sabbatical Love Offering, please drop a check or money in the offering marked “Sabbatical”.  It’s that easy.  We want to bless him as he has blessed us these many years.  We don’t want him to worry about food, gas or anything else while he is gone.


What happens if I have a question while Pastor Doug is gone?

All questions can be asked of the Sabbatical Team, Pastor Mark or Connie at the church office.


Can I still get a hold of Pastor Doug?

We are going to do our best to protect Pastor Doug from any and all distractions and to not contact him at ALL.   If a situation arises that cannot be handled by Pastor Mark or the Sabbatical team, we have processes in place to contact Pastor Doug if needed.  We are going to do our very best to care for you and our church and to give Pastor Doug his full Sabbatical break.


Will Joy be gone too?

Pastor Doug and Joy will be spending this Sabbatical time together.  Their children may still be around from time to time, but Pastor Doug and Joy will be away for the full 8 weeks.


Will Pastor Doug come back?

Pastor Doug has no intentions of leaving our church of searching for employment while he is away.  He has made a commitment to return to the pulpit for at least another year.  The board has also made a commitment to not search for another lead pastor.  We have no intention of letting Pastor Doug leave or replacing him anytime soon.


Who will be preaching on Sunday Morning?

We will not be staring at an empty pulpit for 8 weeks.  Our District Superintendent, Pastor Mark, Tab Beecher and others will be sharing the pulpit and sharing God’s message of love and healing.  It is sure to be an exciting summer!

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